Available for purchase January 15
Corrupted by Fear
#1 Bestseller on Amazon
As Canadians, we depend on our courts to protect us when the government violates our Charter rights and freedoms. After extensive Covid lockdowns and vaccine mandates, many are left wondering how such violations could go unchecked.
How is it that we still don’t have clear explanations as to why judges preferred the evidence of the government over the evidence of citizens fighting for their Charter freedoms?
All Canadians, regardless of their views on the pandemic, should be concerned about courts repeating media narratives in their judgments, seemingly turning a blind eye to the violations of human rights, and failing to consider the real harms suffered by people.
Corrupted by Fear reviews, through the eyes of constitutional lawyer John Carpay, the evidence before courts in Charter challenges to Covid lockdowns. Carpay explains how harsh measures that turned our world upside down were not subjected to proper scrutiny. He explores crucial lessons Canadians can learn from history, particularly the collapse of democracy and human rights into fascism in Europe in the 1930s.
Read Chapter 16: The Fascist elements of the lockdown regime
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