Securing a future of freedom

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Your donations are making a difference in our courts, classrooms, and public spaces from coast to coast. When you choose to give, you are choosing to partner with our team of litigators, researchers, and advocates in defending Canadians’ rights and freedoms from harmful and discriminatory laws and policies.


Ways to make a difference

The Justice Centre issues tax receipts for every donation of $20 or more.

You can make a secure and convenient online donation here. Simply choose how much you would like to give and how often. 

You can make a secure and convenient donation by sending an e-transfer to If you would like to receive a tax receipt for e-transfer donations of $20 or more, please include your legal name, mailing address, and email address in the e-transfer message.

Please call 403-475-3622 to make a secure credit card donation over the phone.

You can mail your cheque, made payable to “Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms,” to #253 7620 Elbow Drive SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2V 1K2. 

Donating your securities to the Justice Centre may offer considerable tax benefits and is one of the most powerful ways to secure a future of freedom in Canada.

Connect with our giving team

Do you have questions about making a contribution to the Justice Centre? Please reach out to our giving team by calling or emailing us. We would be happy to answer your questions, to meet with you, or to help connect your giving to the projects that matter most to you.

Please email us at or call 403-475-3622.

Thank you


“On behalf of our amazing team, I thank you for your generosity. A future of freedom in Canada is not a guaranteed one; we must work together to preserve and extend freedom at all levels of government, in our classrooms, hospitals, places of worship, and other public spaces. You are partnering with us in that vital work, and I thank you for your incredible contributions. Let’s secure a future of freedom together.”

John Carpay, B.A., LL.B.
Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

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