George Jonas Freedom Award
The annual recognition of a Canadian advancing and preserving freedom.
George Jonas Freedom Award
The annual recognition of a Canadian advancing and preserving freedom.
The George Jonas Freedom Award honors individuals who advocate for freedom and individual rights. Named after the renowned journalist George Jonas, this award celebrates those who inspire positive change in Canada.
Join us for an inspiring evening filled with remarkable stories and exceptional honorees, all while connecting with others who share a passion for freedom. Your ticket purchase supports initiatives that promote a free Canada. Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate freedom.
2025 Recipient
Dr. Frances Widdowson
The Justice Centre is pleased to announce that the 2025 recipient of the George Jonas Freedom Award is Dr. Frances Widdowson, a stalwart defender of free expression and academic freedom.
Wrongfully dismissed from her position as a tenured professor at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Dr. Widdowson continues to fearlessly pursue the truth and advocates for open inquiry, critical thinking and evidence-based approaches in post-secondary education.
Canada needs more academics within our institutions of higher learning like Dr. Widdowson, who bravely stands up to mob rule to protect freedom of expression for future generations.
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our roots
About George Jonas
Author, poet, journalist and National Post columnist, George Jonas (1935-2016) made significant contributions to freedom in Canada after escaping from communist Hungary in 1956. George Jonas experienced life under both Stalinist communism, as well as the pro-Nazi Hungarian fascist regime during the Second World War.
Past Recipients
Recognizing extraordinary Canadians through the years.
Ezra Levant
2024 Award Recipient
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
2023 Award Recipient
Psychologist, academic, and public intellectual, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is a prominent advocate for personal responsibility, responsible government, and freedom of expression.
Tamara Lich
2022 Award Recipient
Metis grandmother, musician, and leader, Tamara Lich played a prominent role in the 2022 Freedom Convoy in the nation’s capital, defending bodily autonomy and freedom of expression.
Canadians resisting unconstitutional lockdowns
2021 Award Recipient
Due to stringent travel and gathering restrictions, the 2021 George Jonas Freedom Award was awarded to all Canadians resisting unconstitutional lockdowns across the country.
Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship
2020 Award Recipient
Non-partisan and not-for-profit, the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship promotes academic freedom in teaching, research, and scholarship at Canadian post-secondary institutions.
Christie Blatchford
Christie Blatchford
2019 Award Recipient
Celebrated journalist, author and war correspondent, Christie Blatchford championed justice and the rule of law in the Canadian criminal justice system.
Mark Steyn
Mark Steyn
2018 Award Recipient
Political commentator and author, Mark Steyn led a human rights campaign to have Parliament repeal the notorious Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act in a significant victory for freedom of expression.